16 Şubat 2012 Perşembe

Güzel Tığ İşi Bayan Örgü Modelleri

En güzel tığ işi örgüler
renkli tığ işi örgü modelleri
pembe tığ işi örgü modelleri
elbise örgü işi modelleri

Açıklamalı kısa kollu hırka modeli yapılışı

Modelin Yapılışı
100 ilmek başlanarak 11 cm 1+1 lastik örgü örülüp, düz örgüye geçilir. Beden boyu 35 cm örülerek kol evi için her iki taraftan 3+2+1+1+1 ilmek kesilip, kalan 84 ilmekle örgüye devam edilir. Beden boyu 49 cm örülerek arka yaka kesimi için ilmekler ortalanarak ortadaki 40 ilmek bir defada kesilir. Kesilen ilmeklerin her iki tarafından 2+1 ilmek eksiltilir. Beden boyu 53 cm örülerek omuzlarda kalan 19’ar ilmek bir defada kesilip, bitirilir.
ÖN :
46 ilmek başlanarak 11 cm 1+1 lastik örgü örülüp, düz örgüye geçilir. Beden boyu 35 cm örülerek kol evi için bir taraftan 3+2+1+1+1 ilmek kesilip, kalan 37 ilmekle örgüye devam edilir. Beden boyu 41 cm örülerek yaka kesimi için ön ortadan 6+4+3+2+2+1+1 ilmek kesilir. Beden boyu 53 cm örülerek omuzda kalan 19 ilmek bir defada kesilip, bitirilir.
Diğer ön de aynı şekilde örülür.
30 cm zincir çekilerek 5’er adet zincirle 3’er zincir atlanarak sık iğne batılıp sıra tamamlanır.
2.sırada 3 adet zincir çekilip, ilk deliğe trabzan yapılıp tekrar 3 adet zincir çekilerek aynı deliğe yine
trabzan yapılır. Her delikte aynı işlem uygulanarak sıra tamamlanır. Her sırada her iki taraftan 1’er delik kesilir.
Kol boyu 17 cm örülerek kalan 5 delikle bitirilir.
Kol ucuna;
1.sıra: 1 adet fıstık, 3 adet zincir, 1 adet trabzan 3 adet zincir çekilip aynı deliğe tekrar 1 adet trabzan…şeklinde sıra tamamlanır.
2.sıra: Önceki sırada yapılan fıstıkların her iki tarafına 1’er fıstık yapılarak 3 adet zincir çekilip 1 delik atlanır…şeklinde sıra tamamlanır.
3.sıra: 3 fıstık, 3 trabzan…şeklinde sıra tamamlanır.
4.sıra: 4 fıstık, 4 trabzan…şeklinde sıra tamamlanır.
5.sıra: 5 fıstık, 5 trabzan…şeklinde sıra tamamlanır.
6.sıra: Önceki sırada yapılan 5 adet trabzan üzerine yine 5 adet trabzan, 3 adet zincir…şeklinde sıra tamamlanır.
Diğer kol da aynı şekilde örülür.
Yaka etrafından şişe 115 ilmek toplanarak bir tarafta 1 adet ilik açılır. 3 cm 1+1 lastik örgü örülüp, bitirilir.
Şişe 115 ilmek toplanarak 1 cm 1+1 lastik örgü örülür. 8 cm aralıklarla 5 adet ilik açılır.
Toplam 3 cm 1+1 lastik örgü örülüp, bitirilir.
Diğer ön bordür de aynı şekilde örülür.
8 adet zincir çekilerek birleştirilir. 3’er adet trabzanla 6 adet yaprak yapılır.
Tekrar arka tarafından 6’şar zincir çekilerek 6 adet yaprak yapılıp, içleri 6’şar adet trabzanla doldurulur.
Tekrar arka tarafından 8’er zincir çekilerek yine 6 adet yaprak yapılıp içleri 8’er adet tarbzanla doldurulur.
Toplam 11 adet yapılarak sol öne 3 adet, sağ öne 2 adet, sağ kola 4 adet ve sol kola 2 adet dikilir.

Fiyonklu topuklu ayakkabılar, çok güzel fiyonklu topuklu ayakkabılar, yepyeni fiyonklu topuklu ayakkabılar

Fiyonklu topuklu ayakkabılar, çok güzel fiyonklu topuklu ayakkabılar, yepyeni fiyonklu topuklu ayakkabılar

15 Şubat 2012 Çarşamba

Yeni sezon sandalet modasından örnekler

Yeni sezon sandalet modelleri
Yaz aylarında sıklıkla kullandığımız sandaletler rahatlığımız açısında son derece uygundur.,birde  sandaletlerin şıklığı ve zarefeti  rahatlığımıza eklenince yaz ayları bir başka harika olmaktadır.bay-bayanlardan ve çocuklara kadar herkez için yeni sezonun en yeni,en şık,en modern,en trend,en farklı,en güzel ve rengarenk 2011 sandalet modelleri sizlerle…..

Mezuniyet Elbise Modeli

2011 2012  Mezuniyet Elbise Modelleri
Mezuniyet zamanı yaklaşınca mezun olacak tüm genç kızları büyük bir heyecan sarar. 2011 mezuniyet elbiseleri birbirinden şık modellerle karşınızda. Peri kızı görünümündeki gri desenli tüllü straplez elbise mezuniyet elbisesi olarak gerçekten çok uygun. Füme rengi asimetrik kesim elbise ise çok cool görünüyor. Mavi siyah saten elbise cıvıl cıvıl neşeli bir elbise. Limon rengi açık sarı elbise yaka kısmında bulunan güllerle masumiyeti simgeliyor. Yılın trendi tek omuzlu elbiseler de yine çok şık modeller arasında yer alıyor.Hayat dolu cıvıl cıvıl genç kızların tercihi mavi siyah saten straplez fiyonklu mezuniyet elbise modeli...
Mezuniyet Elbise Modeli...


Basit oya modelleri...




En güzel oya modelleri...

14 Şubat 2012 Salı

Maxi Elbise Modelleri 2012

En güzel gece kıyafetleri...

Zara Kazak Modelleri 2012

Zara Kazak Modelleri 2012

Benetton Sonbahar Kış Bayan Giyim Kataloğu 2012

Sonbahar Kış Bayan Giyim Kataloğu 2012

Benetton Kışlık Çocuk Giysileri 2012

2011/2012 kış sezonu için yine birbirinden şık tasarımlar hazırlamış. Benetton 2012 kış çocuk giyimkoleksiyonunda yer alan kız çocuk giysilerini paylaşmak istedim. Koleksiyonda yer alan elbise ve etek modellerigerçekten hoşunuza gidecek.

Bikini Modelleri

Yaz Bikini Modelleri

Victoria's Secret Puanlı Bikini Modelleri...

2012 Yaz Bikini Modelleri

Victoria’s Secret 2012 yaz bikini/plaj koleksiyonu içimizi ısıtıyor. Alessandra Ambrosio, Miranda Kerr ve Candice Swanepoel’in yer aldığı koleksiyona gökkuşağının tüm canlı renkleri hakim. Victoria’s Secret küçük göğüslü bayanlar için iri desenlerde ve farklı kalıplarda bikiniler tasarlamış. Koleksiyonda yer alan birbirinden şık bikini modelleri…

Huntron Scanners

Add Scanning Capabilites to Your Huntron Tracker Model 
a Huntron® Scanner to your Tracker Model 30 system lets
access components using standard DIP clips and
cables, custom cables to PCB
connectors or interface to a bed-of-nails.You can compare one component with
in real-time (64 pins max.) or use your PC to automate testing and
up to 128 pins.Huntron Scanners can be used with a
Huntron Access Prober to
provide Common line connections
while the Prober is probing a PCB. This method
gives you
up to 128 selectable Commons to use. For example, you can connect
Scanner to a connector on a PCB mounted in the Prober
using a common ribbon
style cable. While the Prober is
probing, any one of the lines on the connected
cable can be selected as the Common reference. This would provide
true point-to-point testing capabilities.Note: The
ProTrack Scanner will be
replaced by the Scanner II
and/or the Scanner 31S effective 1/1/2008. This
to commercial sales only.Scanner II and Scaner 31S users may want
consider these Optional Accessories to enhance their
The Scanner II and Scanner 31S accessories add
capability to the Tracker Model 30
· All Scanners have a
minimum 64
pin capability
· The
Scanner II can scan up to 128 pins when the A and
channels are combined
· The
Scanner 31S use standard IDC
· The Scanner II
uses the common SCSI-2 (68 pin)
· Up to 8 Scanner
IIs can be “daisy-chained” to increase the
number of test pins
Selecting Accessories for your
Scanner IIThe
Scanner II accessories for interfacing to
your printed circuit board come "ala
carte". This means
that you select the accessories you want included with
Scanner. Choose from SMT or through-hole style DIP
clip and cable kits (Scanner
Adapter required with
Scanner II) or a mutli-pin breakout cable. Details
these accessories are provided on this


ASC is a leading manufacturer of specialized process equipment, control systems,
and custom manufacturing software used in the composites, plastics, glass,
solar, lumber, and concrete, coatings, and finishing industries. Our product
lines include composite autoclaves, glass-laminating autoclaves, concrete
autoclaves, industrial ovens, composite ovens, electroplating automation
systems, process control software, autoclave control software, oven control
software, and crane and hoist control software including scheduling. We're
located in Los Angeles, CA and support thousands oAutoclaves and other
equipmentASC manufactures a range of process equipment, including autoclaves,
ovens, presses, heating systems, cooling systems, vacuum systems, and specialty
pressure equipment. We also buy and sell used equipment.systems and hundreds of
customers wControl & power systemsASC is a leading supplier of control and
power systems for a wide variety of equipment and industries. We specialize in
PC-based and PLC-based control solutions. Our PC-based systems typically feature
our industry-standard CPC control software package.orldwide.Software for
controls and manufacturingASC can develop custom software solutions for a wide
variety of manufacturing applications. Our CPC software is the world's leading
software for control of autoclaves, ovens, and many other applications. Our
FLEXTIME software is also the leading PC-based solution for electro-plating and
anodizing control


VSEP Membrane Cleaners In addition to filtration systems, New Logic manufactures 
a complete line of chemical cleaners designed to maintain maximum flow rates in
all VSEP applications.Years of exhaustive research and development by New Logic
engineers have resulted in seven chemical cleaners formulated to attack the most
stubborn foulants across a wide range of membranes and feed streams.While
designed for VSEP membrane filtration systems, these advanced formulas are
perfect for cleaning any membrane.To learn more about VSEP Advanced Cleaning
Solutions, please choose a link below to visit our sister site
membrane-based separations of liquids from solids have enjoyed increasing
popularity over the last 20 years, the technology has an inherent Achilles heel
that affects all membrane devices: fouling. This long-term loss in throughput
capacity is due primarily to the formation of a boundary layer that builds up
naturally on the membranes surface during the filtration process.In addition to
cutting down on the flux performance of the membrane, this boundary or gel layer
acts as a secondary membrane reducing the native design selectivity of the
membrane in use.EMERYVILLE, Calif. and IPSWICH, Australia, Sept. 21 /PRNewswire/
-- New Logic Research, Inc., the maker of VSEP, the vibrating membrane
filtration system, announced today its participation in the official
commissioning ceremony for the Australian Hardboards Water Recycling Plant in
Queensland, Australia.On hand for the ceremony were members of the Australian
Hardboards and New Logic executive team, as well as numerous business leaders
and local officials, including Cr. Paul Pisasale, the mayor of Ipswich.The
wastewater treatment and recovery system, which combines seven i84 VSEP
nanofiltration membrane modules, recovers wastewater for reuse within the plant.
The system, which is capable of processing approximately 200,000 gallons per
day, runs continuously automated by a programmable logic controller
(PLC).According to New Logic CEO Greg Johnson, "VSEP is fast becoming accepted
as the best available technology for tough wastewater treatment applications in
Australia. The Australian Hardboards installation represents our second
Australian installation in as many months; still more will be coming online
within the next year. We were honored to be a part of the ceremony, and to show
our commitment to helping to solve the Australian water shortage problem."New
Logic International Sales Manager Melysa Reiss adds, "The paradox of Australia's
decreasing water resources and increasing industrial demand requires innovative
technologies to bridge the gap. We are proud to have the opportunity to do just
that for Australian Hardboards and other firms throughout the continent."Water
shortage caused by drought and increased populations has created a crisis in
many parts of Australia. Water supply levels have fallen to 30% of normal, and
continue to drop. Local water districts have implemented severe water
restrictions to try to stop the drop in supply levels. Brisbane is currently at
a Level 4 water restriction that requires mandatory conservation. By recycling
its wastewater and reducing its fresh water intake using the VSEP system, AHL
has conserved the equivalent of 2000 homes worth of water supply per year. This
example of water conservation is being used as a showpiece for other industries
to follow.About New Logic Research, Inc.Headquartered in Emeryville, California,
New Logic Research is the leading provider of high-performance membrane
filtration systems used in a wide variety of applications from pure water and
wastewater treatment to chemical process clarifications. Founded in 1987, New
Logic has grown to meet the needs of its ever-expanding customer base, which
includes major corporations from around the World. Today, New Logic provides a
breadth of products and services for pure water and wastewater treatment,
industrial and chemical processing, power, pulp and paper, oil and gas
production and processing, paint and pigments and electronics industries. For
more information

High Flow Range Mass Coriolis Flow Meter

deal for the measurement of flow, density and temperature of liquids and slurries, such as aggressive or contaminated, sanitary or particle-filled fluids.Features:Flow ranges from 60 to 60K Kg/Hr (2.2 to 1650 lb/min) Accuracy up to 0.25% of readingMaterials: flow tubes – 316 L, splitter flanges – 316 Ti, housing – cast ironProcess temperature -40°F to 356°F Ambient temperature -40°F to 140°FWide flow rangesACCURATE AND RELIABLEThis meter has the ability to maintain high accuracy, despite changing viscosity conditions, with accuracy of +0.25% of reading.EASY CLEANINGThe ACM series has smooth stainless steel tubes and no moving parts, and is therefore very easy to flush and clean.MULTI-TASKINGThe ACM series of mass coriolis flow meters measure flow, density and temperature.MATERIAL COMPATIBILITYBecause of the meter’s 316 stainless steel flow tubes, the ACM series can measure a wide range of materials.VARIETY OF ELECTRONICSElectronics available for the ACM series include a local, hazardous rated display and a remote, panel-mount digital display.


Shadyside Inn Suites is different. Your idea of staying in a hotel is about to change. Our suites are not typical hotel rooms. In fact we do not have rooms; we only offer suites. Why are we different? Your suite is a fully furnished apartment with the same amenities as a hotel located in a residential neighborhood. It’s not just any neighborhood, it’s Shadyside, Pittsburgh’s most quaint, trendy, and upscale urban area. Picture Boston’s Newberry Street, or New York’s East Village and you will get an idea of what the Shadyside area is like.Imagine having your own apartment in the best location in Pittsburgh for as little as a day or for as long as a lifetime. Shadyside Inn Suites is as flexible as you need. Only going to be here for a night? Why not have your own fully equipped apartment? Need somewhere to stay for a month while your house is renovated? Shadyside Inn Suites is your answer. Looking to attend the University for only nine months? Shadyside Inn Suites can accommodate. Think this is going to cost you more than a hotel? Not even close. Our rates are lower, our suites are double the size of any hotel in the area, our parking is free, and our location is unrivaled.Our suites are located within a block or two of some of the best dining, entertainment, and shopping in Pittsburgh. At your door are 135+ shops, 15+ restaurants and some of the best nightlife in the area. Shop in small boutiques, visit your favorite national store, and dine on cuisines from all over the world. Shadyside living is unmatched.Stay in Shadyside and still be approximately 4 miles from Downtown Pittsburgh and the Convention Center and less than 1 mile from the following hospitals: Presbyterian, Montefiore, Magee Women’s, Falk Clinic, West Penn, Children’s, Shadyside Hospital, and Western PsychiatricWithin 1 mile of the Shadyside Inn Suites is The Carnegie Museum of Art, The Museum of Natural History, The University of Pittsburgh, Carnegie Mellon University Chatham College, and Carlow College.Besides coming for a visit, the best way to learn about our story is read what other people have said about us. Please click on the following links to read what the professionals have to say

UC4 certified for use with the Avaloq Banking System

Automated scheduling of Avaloq Banking System (ABS) and enterprise systems with UC4 Workload Automation SuiteVIENNA, February 3, 2009 – UC4 Software, a leading global provider of workload automation, job scheduling and IT process optimization solutions, today announced the certification of UC4 Workload Automation Suite for use with the Avaloq Banking System (ABS) version 2.6. The companies have also signed a partnership agreement that will enhance Avaloq to refer customers requiring a complementary scheduling and automation solution to UC4 Software.“The certification of the UC4 adapter enables organisations to utilise a complementary technology that has been successfully tested and validated against our Model Bank environment,” said Adrian Bult, COO, Avaloq Evolution AG. “Joint customers will be able to increase the return on their existing technology investments leveraging a solution that interfaces directly with the Avaloq Banking System.”Avaloq solutions are changing the IT landscapes within private and retail banks in Switzerland, Germany, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Singapore, Hong Kong and other markets. With UC4 Workload Automation Suite enterprises remove manual intervention, reduce latency and mitigate risk from their end-to-end business processes. The UC4 Business Integration for Avaloq communicates directly with ABS through application interfaces, allowing customers to extend the automated scheduling of their core banking systems and integrate with external applications.UC4 Workload Automation Suite can manage back-end processing for ABS and all other surrounding systems that many finance institutes rely on. Avaloq users receive regular software updates which support banks in remaining compliant with industry regulations. When utilizing additional tools it is important that Avaloq users work with solutions that are compatible and certified for use with Avaloq. This reduces maintenance and support issues and allows joint customers to benefit from the enterprise wide visibility and control provided by UC4.“It gives UC4 great pleasure to extend its relationship with Avaloq,” said Cesare Capobianco, chief executive officer, UC4 Software. “We have benefited from an excellent working partnership working towards receiving this certification. It has allowed us to develop an interface that is compliant with Avaloq’s technical specifications, which also delivers measurable business value to our joint customers.”About AvaloqThe Avaloq Group, with branches in Luxembourg and Singapore, is the Swiss market leader in the field of standard banking software. For over a decade, the Swiss company has been developing and marketing the Avaloq Banking System. It is trusted by leading financial service providers in private, retail and universal banking in international financial centres around the globe. A network of specialists with first-class partners in the areas of implementation, software, service and technology enables Avaloq to offer its clients a comprehensive all-in-one solution – a modular, innovative and integrated standard software for the financial sector. Avaloq is owned by its management and employees.About UC4 SoftwareUC4 Software is a leading global provider of workload automation, job scheduling and IT process optimization solutions that ensure core business processes and enterprise information systems run faster, more accurately and without interruption. More than 1,600 companies worldwide have successfully enhanced application processing performance and improved IT efficiency using UC4’s business acceleration solutions. Customers include American Suzuki Motor Corporation, Cadbury, eBay, Eastman Kodak, General Electric, Mattel, McGraw Hill, Panasonic, Robert Bosch, Sun Microsystems, Symantec, T-Systems and Verizon

Recover, Repair, Recycle

Benefit from Huntron's 30 years of providing quality Diagnostic Tools for PCA Recovery With today's valid concerns for protection of our environment, the recovery, repair and recycling of printed circuit assemblies (PCAs) is a positive move towards sustainable environmental-friendly practices.Huntron has been helping businesses troubleshoot and repair printed circuit assemblies for over 30 years. Repairing rather than discarding failed PCAs keeps the potentially harmful chemical components such as lead out of our world's landfills and disposal sites.Below is a list of Huntron products to help you recover, repair and recycle PCAs:• Huntron Tracker 2800 • Huntron Tracker Model 30 • Huntron TrackerPXI • NFSA RF Prober New Version of Huntron Workstation Available!A new version of Huntron Workstation is now available for download. Go to the Workstation Support web page to download version 4.1.3273! Update December 22, 2008.New Automated Near Field Signature Analysis Combining the Huntron Access Robotic Probing Station, Huntron Workstation Software and the new Test Evolution (TEV) Non-Contact RF Near Field Probe with local synthetic measurement technology sets the standard for Near Field Signature Analysis (NFSA).Placing the sensor, receiver and signal processing in one compact RF Probe assembly allows the sensing of EM fields emanating from RF circuitry. A specific position in a Near Field is defined as a Virtual Test Point™ (VTP) where a NFSA measurement is made. Identical circuits emanate nearly identical fields at the VTP. The combination of Huntron Prober and TEV RF Probe allows accurate positioning and measurement of VTPs. This provides the repeatability to measure VTP's from 200MHZ to 3GHZ on RF assemblies. When used for test, an engineer examines the UUT schematic with an eye toward following the RF signal path. Using Huntron Workstation Software, points along that path are selected for Virtual Test Points (VTP). A set of known good boards are then scanned making and saving Near Field signatures at the VTP's. Unknown UUT's are scanned with the same VTP's against the saved signatures. Any deviation against stored signatures indicates areas of concern.Near Field Signature Analysis (NFSA) is close proximity sensing of EM fields emanating from RF circuitry. Near Fields are close to active circuits with the strength dependent on power and circuit design. AC circuits radiate a unique frequency and magnitude “signature” being a function of frequency of operation, magnitude, distance to the test probe and geometric location of the probe.The RF NFSA Prober will be available from Huntron to USA customers only in early 2009. Contact Huntron for more details on Near Field Signature Analysis.Download the latest NFSA RF Prober brochure now!Huntron Access USB Probers The NEW Huntron Access USB Probers are the latest versions of the popular robotic probers used to automate testing of complex printed circuit boards. The Access USB Probers come in two sizes - the Access USB Prober can handle PCBs up to 19.4” by 14” and the larger Access 2 USB Prober can hold PCBs up to 22” by 23” in size. The new Probers come with a USB Probe Tip camera to monitor the probe placement as the test progresses. Both Probers uses linear encoders for incredible 20 micron accuracy. The new Access USB Probers can also be ordered with the Tracker Model 30 embedded inside the chassis for a space saving, all-in-one platform.Download the latest Diagnostic Systems brochure now!Huntron's flexible, automated diagnostic solutions help people solve circuit card problems.Huntron was founded in 1976 with the introduction of the Huntron Tracker®, the pioneering troubleshooting tool that uses power-off signature analysis to identify component failures on printed circuit boards.Today, Huntron's reputation in providing automated power-off diagnostics results in instrumentation and software for test, inspection and repair of electronic printed circuit assemblies. As density and complexity increase, printed circuit assemblies become tougher to probe and test. Huntrom complements conventional test equipment with access and test tools that catch the elusive problems other test methods often miss. The keys are physical and virtual access, which translates into meaningful results such as shorther design cycles, improved production yield and lower warranty costs. When you need to test, diagnose or troubleshoot complex circuit boards, Huntron lets you access, explore and discover more.Contact us for more information on how we can help solve your test and troubleshooting needs


Analytik Jena brings an innovation on the market — the contrAA® series — which exceeds the performance of conventional AA spectrometers in all parameters.
This new technology — High-Resolution Continuum Source AAS — represents previously unattained effectiveness
and quality of measurement results. Following decades of experience in the development of spectrometers and graphite furnaces and in cooperation with partners from leading research institutes, a vision becomes reality — the start of a new generation in AAS, with the contrAA® series, which finally closes the gap between ICP OES and AAS.

High-Resolution Continuum Source AAS (HR-CS AAS) covers the complete spectral range from the near vacuum-UV to the near infrared with a single continuum source, providing innovative capabilities. For the first time, genuine sequential multi-element analysis is implemented in AAS without the need for a multitude of different light sources. 

At first glance:

Maximum versatility and flexibility 
Guaranteed stability 
Improved accuracy
Maximum information content
Speed for higher efficiency
New level of performance
Fast sequential multi-element determination for flame AAS
Simultaneous background correction
Full post processing of measurement (FPP) 

Unique Flexibility 
The xenon short-arc lamp as a continuum source is ideal for any element to be analyzed. No matter how frequently or seldom you have to determine an element, the HR-CS AAS instrument is immediately ready for measurement. You have every freedom for line selection, as the source covers the entire continuous wavelength range. All absorbing atom lines are immediately available, irrespective of the emission properties of the HCL (such as windows transmissive to UV or visible radiation). In addition, several new types of lines can be used for analysis.

Immediate Readiness for Measurement 
The immediate readiness for measurement provided by HR-CS AAS is due to the fact that the lamp needs no fixed warm-up time to avoid output drift. Innovative correction algorithms continuously compensate any drift or fluctuation of the spectrometer including the source.

Improved Performance
HR-CS AAS features an improved signal-to-noise ratio and markedly better detection limits. This is due to the higher radiation density of the Xe continuum source compared to HCLs, and the enormously increased quantum efficiency of a CCD semiconductor detector compared to the photomultiplier tube commonly used in line-source AAS (LS AAS). HR-CS AAS is the first technique that c an efficiently correct spectral interferences in flame AAS by structured flames or molecule structures. This provides improved simultaneous background correction, and capabilities to correct spectral interferences to increase the accuracy of analytical results


Belirtiler- Ellerinizin, kolunuzun, başınızın, dilinizin veya gırtlağınızın ritmik, gidip gelen hareketleri.
- Kol ve baştaki belirtiler organın kullanılmasıyla artar.
Esansiyol tremor ciddi bir durumdur. Aile eçmişinde bulunduğu zaman familiel tremor dini alır. Tremorun en yaygın şekli olmasına ağmen, sebebi bilinmemektedir. Ritmik Tre-ıor orta ile ileri frekans (saniyede 6 ila 10 titreme) arasında değişkenlik gösterir.
Hemen bütün vakalar ailede kalıtım yoluya sürer ve buluğ çağında veya daha sonra or­aya çıkar. En büyük sıklıkla orta yaş ile ileri yaşta başlar ve ağır ağır gelişir. Zaman içinde litreme bütün kolunuzu veya her iki kolunuzu, Daşınızı, sesinizi ve hatta öz kapaklarınızı etkileyebilir. Bir kahve fincanını veya çatalı tutmak gibi istemli hareketleriniz genellikle titremeyi artırır. Bu hareketle azalma eğilimi gösteren Parkinson hastalığının aksine bir durumdur.
Stres de esansiyel tremorun ritmik sarsıntı­sını artırabilir. Genellikle aktif olduğunuz za­manlarda başladığını farkedebilirsiniz. Uyku sırasında ortadan kalkar.

Dil Felci

Sinir sistemindeki bir bozukluktan dolayı, dil gücünün kaybolmasıdır. Doktor tarafından tedavi edilmesi gerekir. Bozukluğun nedeni çeşitli sebeplerden olabilir....


Kaplıca Mevsimi: Bölgenin iklim şartları dikkate alınarak tespit edilir. Genelde memleketimizde yerleşmiş kaplıca ve içmelerin mevsimi 15 Mayıs - 15 Eylül arasıdır.
Kaplıcalarda Tedavi Süresi (Kür): Gerekli faydayı sağlamak için 3 haftalık bir tedavi ve en az 21 banyo tavsiye edilir.
Banyo Zamanı ve Süreler: Banyoya girmeden önce; küçük ve büyük abdest yapmak, banyoda hareketsiz durmak gerekir.Banyodan çıktıktan sonra da; kurulanılmaz, havlu veya bornoza sarılınır, ılık odada 1 saat kadar yatılır. Bu süre içinde, vucûd terler. Sonra giyinilir ve 1 saat kadar daha aynı odada kalınır.Birinci Banyo; kahvaltıdan önce aç karnına veya kahvaltıdan 1 saat sonra,İkinci Banyo; akşam yemeğinden 2 saat önce alınması halinde azami derece fayda sağlanır.Banyoda kalma süresi: İlk gün 10 dakika; sonrakilerde ise, hastanın bünyesine ve hastalığa göre, 12-20 dakika arasındadır.
İçme Kürü: Kronik hastalıklarda tavsiye edilir. Süresi 3-6 hafta olmalıdır. Birinci gün; aç karnına bir defada 6 su bardağı (1.5 litre); ondan sonraki günler; sabah, öğle ve akşam yemeklerinden yarım saat önce ikişer su bardağı içilir.
* Böbrek ve idrar yolları hastalıkları: Kronik ve ödemsiz böbrek iltihabları, mesane iltihabı, idrar taşlarıyla ilgili hastalıklarda; karbonatlı, hidrokarbonatlı sulardan faydalanılır. Bu suların prostata iyi geldiği tespit edilmiştir. * Deri Hastalıkları: Bütün deri hastalıklarında; tuzlu, kükürtlü ve çamurlu sulardan faydalanılır. * Hormonel hastalıklar: Bu hastalıklara, radio-aktiviteli sular iyi gelir. * Göz Hastalıkları: Kükürtlü ve iyodlu sulardan faydalanılır. * Kadın hastalıkları: Bu konuda doktor tavsiyesi olmadan kaplıca tedavisi uygulanması doğru olmaz. Ateşli kadın hastalıklarında ve hamile kadınlarda kaplıca tedavisi son derece dikkatli ve mutlaka hekim gözetiminde yapılmasında fayda vardır. Bunların dışında Aybaşı bozuklukları, kronik rahim hastalıklarında; kükürtlü, çamurlu ve radio-aktiviteli sulardan faydalanılır. * Kalb ve kandolaşımı hastalıkları: İleri derecede kalb, kan dolaşımı ve damar sertliğide kaplıca tedavisi uygulanmaz. Diğerleri için tuzlu, iyodlu ve radio-aktiviteli sulardan faydalanılır. * Mide ve bağırsak hastalıkları: Ağır mide nezlesi, mide tümörü, sifilitik gastrit ve pilor daralmalarında kaplıcalardan faydalanılmaz. Kronik gastrit, kronik bağırsak nezlesi, bağırsak gazları, hazımsızlık ve kronik kabızlıklarda ise; hidrokarbonatlı, sülfatlı sulardan faydalanılır. * Romatizmal hastalıklar: Akut ve ateşli romatizmada, kaplıca tedavisi uygulanmaz. Kronik romatizmada ise; tuzlu, karbonatlı, sülfatlı, kükürtlü, radio-aktiviteli ve çamurlu sulardan faydalanılır. * Safra kesesi ve Karaciğer hastalıkları: Safra kesesi, karaciğer, pankreas hastalıklarında; karbonatlı, hidrokarbonatlı ve sülfatlı sulardan faydalanılır. İleri safhadaki Siroz'da kullanılmaz. * Sinir sistemi hastalıkları: Siyatik, lumbago, nevralji, nevrasteni, psikasteni ve nevroz gibi sinir hastalıklarında; tuzlu, çamurlu ve radio-aktiviteli sulardan faydalanılır. * Solunum yolu hastalıkları: Astım, bronşit gibi solunum yolu hastalıklarında; tuzlu, iyodlu ve kükürtlü sulardan faydalanılır. İleri derecedeki verem, damar sertliği ve kalb hastalıklarında kullanılmaz. * Şeker hastalığı: Sodyum bikarbonatlı sulardan faydalanılır.
ŞİFALI SULARNOT: Şifalı suların bulunduğu iller 4 sayfa olarak ayrılmış olup listesi aşağıdaki gibidir. Şifalı suların bulunduğu illerdeki kaplıca, Ilıca ve İçmelerin adını, bulunduğu mevkii, özelliğini, sıcaklık derecesini ve hangi hastalıklara iyi geldiğini belirten açıklamaları bulabileceksiniz.

13 Şubat 2012 Pazartesi


3 yumurta
1 su bardağı toz şeker
1 su bardağı yoğurt
1 su bardağından bir parmak kadar eksik
1 su bardağı ceviz iriçekilmiş
1 büyük portakal kabuğu rendesi
1 paket kabartma tozu
1 fiske tuz çok az
2,5-3 su bardağı un ayarlama yapabilirsiniz..

* Yumurta + toz şeker köpürene kadar karıştırın + sıvıyağ + yoğurtu da ekleyin karıştırın.
* Portakal kabuğu rendesi + cevizi ilave edin karıştırın
* Unu ve kabartma tozunuda ilave edip iyice karıştırıyoruz.
* Yağlamış olduğumuz kek kalıbıma döküyoruz.
* Önceden ısıtılmış 170 derecede pişiriyoruz.
* Afiyet Şifa Olsun


6 adet patates (Ben 2 kase rendelenmiş soğuk patates ekledim)
3 orta boy soğan (Rondodan geçmiş 2 yemek kaşığı kadar kevgirde suyunu süzdürün)
2 yumurta
2,5-3 su bardağı un (ben 3,5-4 su bardağı un ekledim)
1 su bardağı yoğurt
100 gr kaşar peyniri (Ben üzerine piştikten sonra beyaz peynir ekledim)
Yarım su bardağı sıvıyağ
Yarım demet maydanoz (Ben eklemedim)
1 diş sarmısak (2 diş sarmısak koydum belli bile değildi)
1 adet kabartma tozu
Tuz, (1,5 tatlı kaşığı koydum az geldi 2 talı kaşığını kaldırır)
Karabiber (1 çaykaşığı ekledim)


* Rendelenmiş patatesleri + soğan, sarmısak ve maydanozu robottan geçir güzelce  karıştırın..

* Büyük bir kapta yumurtalaraı çırpın + sıvıyağ + yoğurt + un + tuz + karabiber + kabartma tozu hepsini karıştırın..

* Patatesli soğanlı karışımı kaba dökün ve iyice harmanlayın. 

* Kelepçeli kek kalıbını yağlayın 170 derece ıstılmış fırında 45 dakika kadar pişirin kürdanla kontrol edin..

* Afiyet olsun.